Attack Pictures
Identifying the perpetrators.
Of the 465 or
more species of sharks that are currently described, only a handful are
regularly implicated in shark attacks. The most commonly identified (or
perhaps misidentified) sharks include the Bull shark, White shark, Tiger
shark, and various reef sharks. Historically Sandtiger sharks (AKA Grey
nurse sharks in Australia, and Ragged tooth sharks in Southern Africa)
were held responsible for many attacks due to their menacing appearance.
They have, more recently, been found 'not guilty' in the majority of cases
but the bad press that they initially received plus their docile nature
when in contact with spear fishermen, left them wide open to exploitation
and their numbers have been seriously depleted. It is estimated that the
schools once common off the East coast of Australia have dwindled to the
point of pending extinction with somewhere around 300 individuals
In most attacks
where the shark escapes, it is difficult (if not impossible) to identify
the exact species involved. One of the ways that shark attack
investigators figure out who is the culprit in an attack is by the
examination of teeth that are sometimes left at the scene having been torn
from the sharks jaw during the struggle or embedded in the victims flesh
or equipment. For example; teeth are sometimes lodged in surf boards
during attacks on surfers.
Another good
way to identify individual shark species is by measuring the bite radius,
the shape of the wound, and the clean or ragged cut of the teeth. For
example; a Tiger shark which has an imposing set of cutting teeth capable
of sheering through the shells large sea turtles, would leave a cleanly
severed bite out of its victim. Whereas, a Sandtiger or Mako Shark which
has dagger-like grasping teeth would leave a ragged wound if trying to
pull away a portion of flesh.
It is often
difficult for victims and observers to report objectively on their
experiences due to the traumatic nature of the encounters. This combined
with a general public's lack of knowledge of shark species leaves
investigators lacking for accurate information.
geographic location is the best clue to identification. Some species
inhabit areas where few other large sharks enter such as the freshwater
range of Bull sharks. Attacks occurring far up river are inevitably
attributed to this species although in some areas there are other fresh
water sharks which may be responsible such as the Ganges shark in the
river systems of India.
Bull sharks are
indeed one of the most gregarious of shark species and have been
implicated in attacks as far reaching as New Jersey to South Africa, and
the Zambezi River to Lake Nicaragua.
In attacks off
of the surfing beaches of California, White sharks are most commonly
implicated. Although other species inhabit this area (such as Blue
sharks), the White shark is responsible in the majority of cases as its
natural behavior and tendency to frequent surf zones lend to the
likelihood of attack.
Hunger, curiosity, or mistaken identity?
Attacks occur
in many different ways. The majority of White shark attacks do not result
in the death of the victim leaving researchers wondering why. Obviously a
large Great white shark would have no trouble dispatching a human if that
was its intent, but, in many cases the shark bites the victim once and
then leaves. There are many theories as to why White sharks do this.
One theory is
that the shark is simply using its sensitive taste, touch, and smell to
attempt to identify the object in front of it. Unfortunately for the
victim, this 'mouthing' can result in catastrophic injury. If the shark is
indeed trying to ascertain the victims content in order to decide
whether it is worth eating, then its tendency to leave after the first
experimental bite would imply that it finds human flesh either
distasteful, or not fatty enough to waste precious energy trying to
hypothesis is that the White shark is following its natural 'bite and
bleed' instinct that it uses when tackling dangerous prey such as
California sea lions. White sharks have repeatedly been documented to
attack large seals explosively and then retire to a safe distance while
the animal bleeds out. This strategy probably saves the shark from serious
injury from the teeth and claws of the wounded prey. But, if this is the
reason that humans are only bitten once and then abandoned, one wonders
why the shark does not return before the individual is dragged from the
water or manages to swim to safety.
Even if the
extent of the injuries prove fatal the body of the victim is rarely
consumed by the shark although this does happen. A snorkeller was killed
in the Abrollos Islands off of the Western seaboard of Australia in March
of 2005. The ferocity of the attack which was witnessed by other swimmers,
indicated that the shark was single mindedly attempting to eat the victim
and a cursory search for remains was almost immediately called off. At
that time of year transient White sharks arrive from South Africa having
spent many weeks crossing the open ocean where food is in limited supply.
It is suspected that the resulting hunger of these sharks is such that
they are likely to attack and consume what ever is available upon their
arrival off the Australian coast.
Many attacks on
swimmers occur in turbid water. This lends weight to the idea of mistaken
identity i.e. the shark sees the moving light colored leg of the victim
thrashing around in the surf and instinct kicks in. The shark expects a
wounded fish and clamps down on the visible appendage only to find out
that it is attached to a large struggling human. This mistaken identity
scenario has also been attributed to attacks on surfers where the
silhouette of the surfer on his/her board, when viewed from below, looks
like the outline of a sea lion. In both of these instances, the shark
which generally has excellent vision is made out be somewhat less
intelligent than it probably deserves.
It may be that
some shark bites are not food related at all. How better for a curious
shark to explore its environment than to chomp down on an interesting
There are
probably a multitude of correct reasons why sharks bite depending on
circumstance. What really goes on in a sharks brain may never be truly
The Shark Attack Capital of the World.
In the summer of 2003 a 'feeding frenzy' occurred in
Florida. At the same time there were also a few shark attacks some of
which tragically ended in fatalities. The 'frenzy' was a product of the
media that was blown completely out of proportion. The coverage resulted in
serious repercussions in the shark world. Although the amount of attacks
was no greater than previous years, the media starved for real news,
worked the attacks until politically motivated officials called for a ban
on shark feeding in state waters. The bill was passed and the operators
feeding nurse sharks around Boca Raton and other places suffered
financially. Divers looking for their first shark interaction in the wild
also suffered. The next year the attacks continued.
What is worth pointing out is that the fishing
charters and pier fishers were still allowed to bait indiscriminately for
sharks. The main beach attack grounds are surrounded by fishing piers
where bait and fish scraps are tipped into the water mere yards from
frolicking beachgoers. The nurse shark feeds took place way off shore and
attracted sharks that have not been implicated in the Florida attacks and
even if they were, their dentition would result in minor wounds compared
to the reef sharks that were being fished off the beaches. Presently the
dive operators negatively affected by the ban are lobbying for its removal
but with limited funds at their disposal a return to shark diving in
Florida is unlikely.
Caring for a shark attack victim
The following advice should be considered as
pertinent to the care of a shark attack victim but not as a replacement
for training in primary care. It is the responsibility of all of us to
seek out basic medical training (which is available almost everywhere at
little cost) in order to help others if and when a situation arises. The
nature of shark diving has inherent risk which over time adds to the
likelihood of injury and makes that need for medical training all the more
There are many things that have to be addressed
after an attack. Obviously, the first thing is the primary and secondary
care of the victim if they have survived the initial encounter. Although
the care will largely depend on the extent and type of the injuries there
are things that are always required, for example shock management.
Following is an outline of the order of primary care recognized by most
training agencies. Outlines are just that, and can be deviated from
whenever necessary.
Firstly, assess the scene and isolate yourself and
the victim from further harm. In a shark bite scenario this will probably
involve getting everyone out of the water. It is tempting (for some
people) to want to rush into the water and wrestle a victim from the jaws
of a shark. While this may be the only choice, it would be prudent to look
for a craft that will both protect you as a rescuer, and remove the victim
sooner from the water. A surf board, small boat, jet ski, or even a life
ring is better than nothing. The seconds lost in locating and pushing a
'float' into the water may be detrimental but may also save the victim by
allowing blood loss management to take place sooner.
While this rescue is being attempted make sure
someone has already been sent to contact the emergency medical services
that are available in the local area. Your next actions are critically
important but should be viewed as a link in a chain of care that should
progress as quickly as possible to the next stage of professional care.
Secondly, once the victim is out of the water stem
any bleeding. It is commonly taught that the monitoring of vital signs
i.e. breathing and pulse are of primary concern but the extent of blood
loss in attacks is often the cause of death so assessing this factor is
critical. Often in attacks there is a large area of flesh removed which
will sever blood vessels including arteries. Arterial flow of blood is
easily recognized by the pulsing nature of the blood loss and the volume
of blood escaping. Many attack victims bleed to death before anyone can
reach them. A bite on the thigh (which is a common area of attack) can
result in the cutting of the femoral artery which supplies blood to the
legs and lower torso. The size of this artery combined with the blood
pressure contained in the arterial system means that it is capable of
discharging enough blood to kill the victim within minutes. Therefore it
is important to know how to restrict the blood flow via pressure points
that are at the base of the extremities. In the case of the femoral artery
the pressure point is located close to the groin and involves compressing
the artery against the femur (thigh bone). If you get this right you will
notice a slackening or complete stop in the flow of blood. You can
practice this skill by finding your pulse in your wrist and searching for
the correct pressure point under your upper arm. Restricting this area
should make your pulse go away (when practicing, only allow this to happen
for a few seconds). Tourniquets are controversial due to the fact that
completely restricting the blood flow to a limb may result in the loss of
the limb from oxygen starvation but if the injuries are catastrophic
involving a large amount of tissue loss then this may be the best defense
against extreme blood loss while the rescuer takes care of other
significant injuries.
Monitoring of vital signs is also critically
important. If it is ascertained that a victim has stopped breathing or is
in cardiac arrest, CPR must be started immediately and continued either
until the patient can breath on their own or until rescue service
personnel take over. When performing CPR it is wise to use a barrier if
one is available. Wounds inflicted on the torso may complicate breathing
problems such as punctures to the lungs, compression of the chest cavity,
and broken ribs. In this case the best you can do is to make sure the
victims airway is clear and continue CPR as well as possible.
Once it has been ascertained that the patient is not
about to bleed to death and that vital signs are stable, it is important
to monitor for shock. Shock is almost inevitable after a shark attack and
can be just as life threatening as more obvious problems. The signs and symptoms of shock include an
erratic or fast pulse, dizziness, incoherence or mental confusion,
lethargy leading to unconsciousness, and in severe cases leading to death.
Treatment includes keeping the patient warm, trying to keep them
conscious, slightly elevating their feet (if they can lay on their backs)
and closely monitoring pulse, breathing, and pupil dilation/ eye