Great white sharks, broadnose sevengill sharks, leopard catsharks, pyjama
sharks, dark shysharks, puffadder shysharks and spotted gully sharks.
Simon's Town in False Bay offers kelp forest diving with up to 7 species of
sharks on one dive. The inshore diving takes place just 20 minutes from Simon's
Town harbour. Upon entry in the right spot, it is possible to immediately see
sevengills swimming through the kelp forest canopy. Upon closer inspection of
the reef, up to 5 species of catsharks can be seen milling around or resting in
cevices. The most commonly encountered species are dark shysharks, puffadder
shysharks and pyjama catsharks.
At Miller's Point (a particularly good
spot for sevengill sharks) divers can also see spotted gully sharks by entering
a number of small caves hidden below the reef.
That in itself makes this area one of
the best shark diving destinations in the world. However, Simon's Town is also
the launching point for trips to Seal Island where shark enthusiasts can watch
great white sharks launching completely clear of the water in pursuit of Cape
Fur Seals. A regular morning at seal island involves arriving just after sunrise
to watch the fur seals leaving the island. At this point many natural predations
often occur within sight of the boat. Once these taper off, the boats deploy
decoys (seal silhouettes) that they tow behind the boat to give any
photographers onboard a chance to freeze a white shark in mid breach. After
this, the cage is put in the water and the divers enter the cage and wait for
Mr. Big to swim by.
There are three licensed boats that offer white shark cage diving and predation
viewing at seal island. Shark Explorers also offer reef diving encounters with
the other sharks listed above.
Big Fish Expeditions runs a week long Shark Safari that incorporate all
of the shark action listed here plus blue and mako offshore chumming in the same
area. This
is an extremely well rounded introduction to South African shark diving.
Land based. There are plenty of accommodation options in Simon's Town but the
closest and most convenient hotel to board the boat each day is the Quayside
Hotel located right at the pier where the boats dock.
Related Links:
Elasmodiver Broadnose Sevengill
Elasmodiver Leopard Catshark
Elasmodiver Spotted Gully Shark
Big Fish Expeditions
South African Shark Safari
Fish Expeditions South African Shark Safari Trip Report

Big Fish Expeditions:
