Pelagic Thresher Sharks, Whitespotted and Banded Bamboo Sharks and
Coral Catsharks.
Pelagic Thresher Sharks visit Monad Shoal near Malapascua Island at dawn. This
is a natural encounter on a reef and sand slope at around 60 to100ft. The
threshers show up to be cleaned by a variety of reef fishes at multiple cleaning
stations along the reef. Divers traverse the reef until they find a cleaning
station with sharks present and then they hunker down and wait for the sharks to
close the gap.
Rebreathers are probably an
asset but open circuit divers also get very close passes from some
of the threshers.
Whitespotted and banded
bamboo sharks and coral catsharks can sometimes be encountered on
shallower reefs around Malapascua and surrounding islands. It really
helps if you enlist an experienced local Dive Master who knows where
to look for these small shy animals.
Whitetip Reef Sharks are
also commonly encountered at Gato Island which is about 1hr from
Malapscua. Gato is also very good for macro photography.
There are endless dive shops crammed onto the tiny island of Malapascua. Of
these, Thresher Shark Divers is one of the largest and most respected.
Big Fish Expeditions runs
dedicated shark trips to Malapascua once a year:
Pelagic Thresher Shark Diving
Land based. There are plenty of accommodation options on Malapscua. Tepanee
Beach Resort is close to Thresher Shark Divers and has some very nice cottages
built along a hillside overlooking the Visayan Sea.
Related Links:
Elasmodiver Pelagic Thresher
Elasmodiver Whitespotted Bamboo Shark
Big Fish Expeditions
Thresher Shark Expedition
Malapascua Thresher Shark
Story in Diver Magazine
